Welcome to Eternity online catalogue. You'll find the perfect skin by browsing each section. If you need to find a high resolution image for your laptop skin, you can enter the keyword on the search engine above. Please add "wallpaper" after your keyword. For example you're looking for Naruto image, enter "Naruto wallpaper," and then hit the search button. 

Tips cepat mencari gambar berukuran besar (hi resolution)
1. Dengan menggunakan search engine (google/yahoo), ketiklah kata kunci (key word) yang Anda inginkan
2. Tambahkan 'wallpaper' di belakang setiap kata
3. Misal: Anda mencari gambar 'Naruto' + 'Wallpaper'= 'Naruto Wallpaper.'
4. Centang/ pilih opsi 'gambar ukuran besar' atau' sangat besar' pada halaman gambar.
5. Masih kesulitan? Coba browsing www.deviantart.com

Friday, July 11, 2008

Stop the Global Warming

Top Tips to Stop Global Warming

Can We Stop Global Warming? A U.N. climate change report released April 6 details the possible effects of global warming -- food shortages, more hurricanes, more wildfires, coastal flooding and more. We may not be able to stop global warming, but we can help slow it down. Find out what steps you can take to help save the environment.

Get an Energy Audit

An energy audit will tell you how much energy your home uses each year, and provide tips on how to reduce your consumption. The average American family can cut its CO2 emissions by 1,000 pounds each year. As usual, the best things in life are free -- most utility providers will audit your home free of charge

Get More MPGs

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help stop global warming by getting more miles per gallon. Switching to a car that gets 10 more miles to the gallon can save more than $1,000 dollars a year! Hybrid vehicles like the Toyota Prius get an estimated 60 highway miles to the gallon. Properly inflate your tires, drive 55 mph on the highway and change your air filter regularly. Driving 55 mph can save you more than 20 percent on your gas bill.

Change Your Lights

Replacing your old incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) will help increase your energy efficiency. Replacing one old bulb with a CFL can save you up to $30 over the life of the bulb (generally five years). CFLs use two thirds less energy, give off 70 percent less heat and last up to 10 times as long as conventional bulbs. You'll help stop global warming by reducing air pollution caused by power plants.

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